#!/usr/local/bin/perl $myLoc = "http://smegma.rasterburn.com/~falcon/webadmin/test2.cgi?TEST"; if($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} eq 'TEST') { if($ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'} =~ /Cookie=Test/) { $reply = "Good Cookie!Your browser supports the Netscape HTTP Cookie Specification as set by including a Set-Cookie HTTP Header!"; } else { $reply = "Bad CookieSorry, Your browser doesn't appear to support the cookie protocol. If you believe you have gotten this message in error... Don't eat cookies"; } print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n"; print $reply; } else { print "Set-Cookie: Cookie=Test\n"; print "Location: $myLoc\n\n"; #print "\n\n"; print "BYE-BYE"; }