Greetings, Welcome to NetDojo. This is email provides you with information required to access your NetDojo account. Please take a moment and read this message thoroughly. NetDojo is unique when it comes to web hosting. Please keep in mind that NetDojo is in its infancy. No formal website and been put up, no advertisements have been sent out. You are here due to word of mouth from a friend of NetDojo. Things will grow, more and better information will be provided. With that in mind, please understand support will only be provided in via email. This will change as things grow. In the future a knowledge base, FAQs, and much more on-line information will be provided to help you solve your own problems. As a last resort, a support contact page will be provided. In the interim please use for all support related issues. Your NetDojo account is setup and ready to be used. Here is the specific information you'll need to utilize our services. Account Info : Your username and password will be used to access every NetDojo member service. Username : Password : We are hosting the following domain(s) for you : Email Info : In addition to any email addresses we may or may not have setup with a custom domain for you, all NetDojo members have a set email address: IMAP Mail server (incoming): SMTP Server (outgoing): Note : NetDojo only supports the IMAP protocol for email access. If your email client only supports POP3, please upgrade to a more modern email client like Outlook, Outlook Express, Pine, or Mozilla/Netscape Mail. If you'd like to forward your NetDojo email to some other email address, please contact with that request. IMPORTANT NOTICE : To help combat spam and people who take advantage of mail servers by sending spam, NetDojo employs a method called IMAP before SMTP. The method gives NetDojo the ability to ONLY allow email from NetDojo Members and no one else. It is necessary that you check your email before you attempt to send email via NetDojo's servers. If you don't, your attempt to send email will be rejected with a "reject relay" error. Server Access: FTP Server : This will provide FTP access to your NetDojo account. UNIX shell access : Shell server : This will provide you access to your shell account on one of NetDojo's servers. We _strongly_ recommend the use of SSH to when connecting to your shell account. Web server access : In addition to any custom domain names you have hosted with NetDojo, all NetDojo Members have access to their website via a set URL. All files you'd like to have accessible to the web should go in the "public_html" in your home directory. Our web servers look for index.html, index.htm, and index.cgi for index pages. DNS server info can be found at If you require more information or assistance, please feel free to email us at Rob Starkey NetDojo